Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday July 14 2010

We have made the month marker We entered the MTC on July 12th. So 17 more months.
This has been a good week. Finally the smoke from the fires went away and we had sort of clean air to breathe, (there is no air like Utah) No more doctor e-mails saying wear a face mask and only go out if you need to. So that was the big plus this week.
Monday was Pres. Sorensons birtday so we had birthday cake and that was fun. Sister Sorenson had brought his favorite cake mix with her when they came because you cannot buy a cake mix in Russia. It was yummy for all of us.That night the elders came over to have family home evening with us. They asked us if they could come and we said of course. Gene gave them money to bring Pizza and I had ice cream and cookies. Then they gave us a short lesson on Blessings from your callings. (I am sure that was for me!!)It was a fun night.
Wed night we went to English club in Zelenograd where we go to church. It took us about 1 hr and 15 min to get there, 2 busses. It is nothing religious. Everyone who wants to learn English is invited and we just gather in a room and have a conversation on any topic we want. Gene had to lead the discussion. Lots of weather and sports were talked about. We enjoyed that evening.
Thursday night was Senior Couple night. It was at the Central bldg which is far away. We left the office at 3:00 to make it there by 5:00. It is a long bus ride and 2 subways and a medium walk. We love senior couple night. Fun to be with other couples. We were also real proud of ourseleves making it there on our own. We had to memorize our stops and what they looked like in Russian. The subways are coded by color and number so you move around and fine which one you want looking for the right color.
We are getting more settled and comfortable each day. My feet are still getting use to the heat and walking. I am on my 2nd set of blisters... We do love serving our Heavenly Father. We know this is what we are suppose to be doing in our lives now and this is where we are suppose to be,
We do miss and love everyone so much...Skype has a been a great blessing in our lives. To be able to see our family and grandchildren and talk to them. We love that
See you all in 17 months ..
looking out our window on a clear day

looking out out window on a smoky day

Elder Crouse and Elder Hansen

Buses we ride

Pres. Sorensons Birtday

Staff meeting and Pres Sorensons birthday

Senior Couples

Marcias 2nd set of blisters

Sorry about the 2 staff meeting photos but I am not to good at this yet..I can't figure out how to delete a photo

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