Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday 17 Oct 2010

Another week gone by.  On the 12th we hit our 3 month anniversary.  Other than so homesick for everyone especially the little grandchildren, the time has gone by very fast. This week was transfers and we said goodby to Elder Croese in the office and welcomed Elder Grover.  We will miss Elder Croese so much. We had a final office picture taken and we all had on renic items.  The Elders in their alike red ties and me and Sister Sorenson in our alike red scarfs. Ties were $3.00 each and scarfs were $12.00..but they will keep us warm in winter. Last Monday he and Elder Hansen had us over for dinner.  We had such a good time. We went over to do their apartment inspection and we were invited to have dinner with them.  Elder Larson and Elder Page came over later and we all visited.  Just a cute bunch of elders.  We even got to hear about girlfriends.
We always enjoy English club on Wed night.  It takes us about 1-1/2 hrs by bus to get to it and the same coming back.  That makes it a late bus ride..We usually get home around 9:30p.m.  But it is a great way to meet people and let them share of our love and happiness. A few have come into the thought after club and listened.  They would really make  good Mormons.  But they have a lot of family pressure here.  The church is so young and not many want much to do with it. One of the boys told us he just loves to come and be with us all and has so much fun but that he loves his religion and just does not want to change.  Sometimes he walks with us to the bus and he is just so nice and friendly and he speaks pretty good English. It is really one of our favorite nights of the week.
This Wed we will do our first visa trip.  Our visa's are only good for 90 days then we have to leave and return on our 2nd passport with a new visa.  We are going to Riga Lativa as courriers to pick up some passports there.  Since this is our first time we decided to make the trip as quick as possible.  Just a little nervous about leaving the country and getting back in with the documents...language of course..but they tell us we can find people that speak English.  So we will fly over at 3p.m. and meet the man with the documents and then turn around and come home on about an 8p.m. flight and get to Moscow at 9:45p.m.   Maybe the next time we will stay overnight and see a little country.  Seniors can stay one night on their own dollar.  Flights are payed for. But it might be to cold..we will see.
Well from Russia where we have already had snow flurries and the temperatures are in the 30's we say goodby until next week...Gene and Marcia
leaving for the office on a cold morning and this is
my new coat from the renic

Goodby Elder Croese the tall one..such nice Elders we love them

Office photo notice ties and scarfs
We love President and Sister Sorenson

There are bars on the fire escape at the office.  No one had a key to unlock
them.  So we will burn.  Not really the office next to us had it hidden.

Sister Gale got transferred from our district.  She has the most
beautiful voice we have ever heard.  We will miss her too.

Sometimes the Elders just have a good time.

All our fun missionaries in the Zelenograd district

This is Anya and Deema with Sister Gale.  They are both members and are
dating each other.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I LOVE the pictures this week. You look so cute in your scarf! Love the red. I also really like your coat. Good find.
Looks like you have such fun Elders and Sisters to serve with. They are very lucky to have you! Keep up the good work and keep the pictures coming!