Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The picture of the beach is when we were in the Cook Isands on the Island of Rarotonga. Before we left we completed our mission papers and turned them in. We thought that when we would get home our call would be there and just maybe it would be to a warm, beautiful, sunny place with turqoise waters, kind of like this place. In fact as we flew from Papetee Tahiti to Raratonga there were two elders on the plane and they told us they needed a couple in Tahiti..maybe this is a coincidence we thought? We love those kinds of places. Well our call was not there when we got home, but it came about a week later. Just a little different than we expected!!!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Just a little different? Totally different than ANYTHING I ever anticipated. Wow! What an adventure for the both of you! I'll be sure to visit those sunny, turqoise waters while you're gone and give you periodic updates :) Love you!!!